Our responsive and accessible team advises you on financial topics and supports you in each phase of
your learning project.

Choice of your e-learning solution

We help you to choose your e-learning solution and ensure that it is adapted to your needs and obligations.

Set up of your e-learning solution

We host your e-learning solution on your own LMS platforms, integrate it on your website, API system, etc.
We host your e-learning solution on our own secure LMS platforms which offers advanced tutoring functions with interface customisation.

Our learning modules respect the SCORM 2 market norms and standards
and are developped in Flash and HTLM5 supports

Planning and implementation of the different roll-out steps

  • Pedagogical advice, registration, user ID delivery, setting up reminders, putting in place learning schedules with progressive activation of modules and downloadable course summaries (covering the key concepts discussed in the course chapters).
  • Personalised monitoring of students (tutoring) with detailed statistics and a final connection analysis report.
  • Reactive technical and support service to answer all of your technical questions and those of your students.